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The cemetery is located on common ground in the Edgewater Subdivision. This small cemetery has been subject to serious vandalism for many years. 1977 and 1987 surveys found the gravestones in a pile near the center of the plot, and a hole dug into…

The white frame church was preceded by the brick church Payne’s Church, an original colonial Anglican Church. That church building went unused after the American Revolution. It is believed that Baptists may have started meeting there as early as…

The Hughesville community developed near the intersection of Braddock Road and today’s Fairfax County Parkway. The history of the community began around 1866. Jackson Hughes a formerly enslaved followed the Union Army from Louisiana and chose to live…

The minutes of the Union Cemetery Club showed that a meeting was held June 10, 1899, to acquire land for a "burying place for colored people." The land was purchased on June 25, 1899. The cemetery is fenced and contains over one hundred burials, many…

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The church was built c. 1871 on land bequeathed by the former owner to emancipated enslaved persons. The one room, white frame building was also used as a school for the African American children in the area. The church is the oldest church in the…

In 1935 at least two juries were established in Fairfax County with African American members. This was significant because Blacks were usually excluded from serving on juries in Virginia. Press reports indicated that these were the first African…

In the late 1600s the 22,000-acre Ravensworth Tract, located in what would become Fairfax County, was part of a large land grant in Northern Virginia. By 1782, 203 people were enslaved at Ravensworth. Through six generations, the enslaved people…

The African Americans of Co. No. 2399 camp No. Army 3 [C], who were stationed at Fort Belvoir, built a fire trail through what is today’s Lake Accotink Park. The trail crossed the then Outlying Reservation of Fort Belvoir. Senator Bristow, who lived…
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