Edward Lee House

Dublin Core


Edward Lee House




In 1869 Andrew Lee, an African American, purchased 20 acres of land in the Frying Pan area from Ann Keeler. In 1891 he transferred 3/4 of an acre of the land to his son, Edward Lee. Edward built this house on his parcel of land. His father's house was between this house and the Frying Pan Meeting house; this property eventually became the Floris Community Park. In 1917, Edward Lee and his brother William divided their father's real estate. Edward received 2.974 acres, 3/4 acre of which he already owned.
William got the rest, about 17 acres (F-8, 331). Floyd Lee received title to his father Edward's property in 1929; he apparently bought out his siblings (O-10, 479). According to Lee heirs, the northern wing of the house was added in the 1920s or 1930s. Plumbing was installed in the 1930s. According to the local history book "Memories of Floris" Bill and Emma Lee lived in Andrew Lee's house next to the Meeting house in the mid-20th century. Floyd and Lillian Lee and their son lived in what is now referred to as the Stover house. The book also notes that the African American Lee family was well respected in the Floris community. In 1978, the Lee family sold the property to Bonnie Kerns Stover (4818, 777). Floyd Lee had died in 1959; Lillian Lee had died in 1967. Neither left a will.


Edward Lee


Building Item Type Metadata


2625 Centreville Road, Herndon


Hunter Mill


Edward Lee, “Edward Lee House,” Fairfax County African American History Inventory, accessed September 16, 2024, https://fairfaxaahi.centerformasonslegacies.com/items/show/5.
